May 21, 2012

Develop an Efficient Powerpoint Slide and make it impressive

When we're putting together a ppt presentation, our first priority should obviously be the message we want to convey to the audience. The key points will be in our script and the PowerPoint slides should just be used as an addition to illustrate these points. However, ou want to grab your audience's attention so rather than just have reams of text on a slide, it's a good idea to think of different ways of displaying your information. One way of making your slides look more dynamic is to add animations to them and here's how you can do it.

First of all, select the object or text and click on the Animations tab in the main menu bar. Click on the Custom Animations link which opens up the Custom Animation dialog box on the right where you can now format how the text or object appears on the slide. There are 3 types of animation that you can select here: how the object enters on to the slide, how it animates on the slide itself, and then how it exits if appropriate.time management ppt also go for a crucial role to perform all these.

Do you want to present better with PowerPoint? Here are 10 areas that are worth your consideration.

1. Preparation mindset. If you are using your slides to prompt you as to what you should say next, then your slides are probably prepared with your own interest in mind. Are your slides prepared for you or your audience?

2. Slide purpose. Is every one of your slides purposeful? Consider including only slides that complement the presentation and leave what can be left out, out! For example, do you really need a slide that prompts you to say "the end" or "any questions"?

3. Visual aids. Do you want to prepare slides that enhance your verbal message? You can do so by complementing your verbal with visuals, like charts, pictures, or diagrams.

4. Limit text. Although you may want to place visually stimulating objects on your slides, you will occasionally need text slides. However, instead of placing paragraphs of text on your slides, you can consider placing a limited number  of short sentence bullet points. After all, you don't want to overwhelm your audience with too much information.

5. Animation scheme. Do you want the focus of your presentation to be on your message or the medium .The more animation schemes you use, the more you are putting the focus on the medium as opposed to the message. Consider choosing and sticking to one animation scheme.

6. Refocusing attention. Are you expecting your audience to listen and read your slides at the same time? When you do, one of them will generally be a distraction to your audience because doing both at the same time is difficult! When in slide show mode, consider utilising the 'B' or 'W' button to refocus the attention of your audience from the slides back onto you.

7. Prepare handouts.soft skills ppt add beauty in these all things. Avoid making your PowerPoint slides a reading labour for your audience with slides and slides of information dump. On your slides, include what they must know, then you can expand further in your handouts by including more on what they could know.

8. Eye contact. In parliament, the "ayes" have it; in speaking, the "eyes" have it. So never read your slides and turn your back to your audience because you will lose eye contact.

9. Plan B. In most cases, the show must go on, whether your slides are ready or not! This means that you should never rule out equipment failure and should always 'rule in' a plan B.

10. It's a presentation! Remember that you are giving a presentation with PowerPoint and not just presenting a PowerPoint. This means that the fundamentals of presentation skills still apply (e.g., body language, vocal variety). Technology is not there to drive the presentation; you are the driver of every presentation!

May 02, 2012

How the Time Management Skills are important for PPT Presentation

As we all know that time plays a crucial role to shape or devlelop our future.Time management ppt and its related techniques are an important tool in anyone's life, whether that might be a student, teacher, business executive, homemaker, or business owner. Just to manage our  time is crucial in staying on task and getting your list in a efficient manner.
One important step which take to mangeiur time is organization.Which means organizing our time as well our work. Take the time to put things in order so that we can find our tools easily. And should  plan ahead and should create a realistic time line for ourself. Taking  into the consideration we should always look after the priorities and orders of performing our work in a systematic manner. Which gives us a clear picture that what we have to perform  ahead , and the time we need to accomplish each task. Also remember to use a calendar or planner to schedule your activities and tasks so that you know what is ahead. Check back with this schedule regularly to make sure that you have completed what you had planned for yourself.

One of the crucial role which comes in our way is the  goal-oriented lifestyle, it is necessary to realize the importance of time management. It is only through a time bound program of action that you can hope to achieve success in any venture. Many people do not attach much significance to time management and because of the same, they are unable to finish their tasks on time and fail miserably.  PPT Presentation is one of the way to fet rid of such problems which become the hindrence in the path of our success.

Some terms of Time Management

Important to realize that the available amount of time is constant and  the only thing which we can do with , is the way to utilize this time. If we  take time management seriously, we  can perform any task in a well manner. The only thing is to  alter our habits and our attitude in order to derive the maximum utilization of the limited time at our disposal. We should always think that once time passed can never come back.
Time management refers to a set of principles, skills, practices, tools as well as systems to help people utilize the time effectively. Time management is vital in the life of

people because it enables them to manage the time effectively and ensure the best out of it.

Its been seen over the years that PowerPoint has grown to be one of the most popular tools for creating presentations. Which  includes a set of impactful templates and tools to help you create great presentations. PowerPoint applications are very easy to utilize and follow. Even the new users can navigate through the program using the templates and the tips. They can choose from a variety of layouts and features to create the presentations.

The one thing which we mainly in our mind that how we motivate our listener towards  our presentation to have a beneficial impact over them .

First know what is motivation?

One of the Crucial  factors that lead goals to the drive is Motivation. It is usually called  goal oriented behaviors. It can be attained with one self as well as by others. It is of various types. Getting a bonus or appraisal is also a motivation for an employee or the complements for good work is also a motivation to work hard.

Motivation inspires one self from inner as well as from the external factors . For More Info:

According to one of the universally accepted definitions of motivation, it is an internal condition that influences one's behavior by giving it direction. Motivations is also been defined as a wish or want which directs and energizes behavior that is oriented to achieve a goal.Motivation ppt plays a role to get how we can find a way to motivate our users or Listeners:

Motivational Concepts:

There are two concepts of motivation one is intrinsic and other is extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that is determined by an interest or enjoyment in the work itself, and it develops within the person rather than relying on someone
else. According to the research intrinsic motivation is usually associated with high educational achievement and enjoyment by students.Students are generally intrinsically motivated if they:
Trait their educational results to internal factors that they can control
Believe that they achieved what they desire and worked for they are interested in mastering a topic rather than just learning to achieve good grades.

Their are so many sites which provides these templates free fro where we can edit and manipulate according to our requirement.