What Is Brain?
Brain Powerpoint Templates is one of the most popular ways of measuring human brain activity. But what is "activity"?
Primordially, neural activity is electrical potentials and chemical signals. Functionality MRI doesn't measure these directly. Rather, it measures changes in the oxygen content of blood in different parts of the brain as well as body. With the help of this Powerpoint Templates you learn that how to maintain our brain.
Using Functionality MRI you can measure Blood and end up with some pretty blobs of activation. But what does region it mean of the brain to be activated? Just as no man is an island, no brain region can do anything on its own. Anywhere gets inputs from other areas, and sends outputs as well as.
1. It's getting more inputs
2. It's sending more outputs
3. It's doing more "internal" processing within that area - "talking to itself".
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